A Message from ASTA Chair Jim Schweigert

  • On August 3, 2022

As my year as ASTA Chair begins, I want to first thank the staff, board of directors and especially the members of ASTA. It’s not lost on me what an incredible honor and responsibility it is to be elected chair. It’s also not lost on me that I represent a bit of a generational change at ASTA, which mirrors what we are seeing within the seed industry. As the first chair born in the 1980s, the times I grew up in and the life experiences I’ve had all inform how I see the industry, its members and ASTA’s role. In this moment where we have incredible engagement from the current leadership generation while the next ascends into top positions is a huge moment of opportunity for the association.

To the members: I commit to being open, engaged and transparent with you all on the status of the association, its direction and decisions. I welcome challenges and relish the opportunities we have to continue to shape and advance the national and global seed industry. I Plan to host quarterly virtual town halls and update the membership through social media with behind-the-scenes glimpses into the life of an ASTA chair. I realize that for some, ASTA can seem a bit out of reach or too big for any one company to impact its direction. My goal is to bring ASTA to you by being accessible and transparent.

As for my priorities, I have an aggressive plan to increase ASTA’s engagement with the next generation of seed industry innovators who often don’t consider themselves ag businesses but rather tech startups. ASTA will benefit its members and those startup companies by seeking out their membership and bringing them to the table for discussions and debate. The future of the seed industry will be shaped over the next few years, and this is the time to bring all voices and perspectives to the table.

Finally, I want to expand the definition of sustainability from just environmental considerations to that of business practices that ensure a healthy and diverse seed industry. One where more crop species are part of the conversation, one where soil, water, grain composition and yield are all factored into the equation and one where farmers aren’t just a source of profit, but are partners in building a resilient, safe and abundant supply of food, fuel, feed and fiber.

Thank you again to the membership for your confidence in me and I could not be more excited to take on the next generation of challenges and opportunities in the seed industry and for ASTA.
