ASRF and NCCPB Launch New Seed Science Foundation
- On August 16, 2018
- ASRF, NCCPB, Seed Industry, Seed Science Foundation
Exciting news for the U.S. seed industry! The American Seed Research Foundation (ASRF) and the National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders (NCCPB) voted at their joint 2018 Annual Meeting to combine efforts and resources into a new not-for-profit foundation named the Seed Science Foundation (the Foundation).
The new Foundation will be a proactive and integrated source of plant science expertise for the U.S. seed industry. Its central mission is to address seed and plant-science challenges, and to encourage plant breeding education and seed research in support of the ever-changing needs of the global seed industry. The Foundation will also continue existing efforts to fund public research programs in basic seed science and to explore opportunities for public and private research organizations to further knowledge about how seeds work.
To become a founding member of the Seed Science Foundation, or for more information, contact Ann Jorss at