ASTA Promotes Safe Handling and Storage of Treated Seed during Harvest

  • On July 31, 2018
  • ASTA, Harvest, Seed, Seed Treatment, Seed Treatment Stewardship

As harvest begins across the country, ASTA reminds farmers about the importance of taking precautions to ensure treated seed does not enter the grain supply.

“Seed treatments provide farmers with an economical means of protecting seeds and seedlings against early-season insect pests and diseases – resulting in stronger and more uniform stands, healthier plants and higher crop yields,” said ASTA President & CEO Andrew LaVigne. “Farmers and applicators know the importance of proper management to minimize the risk of pesticide exposure to humans and the environment. This includes removing all treated seed left in containers and equipment used to handle harvested grain, and disposing of it properly.”

ASTA and other stakeholder groups have developed recommendations to assist those involved in the process of treating, handling, transporting, or planting treated seeds. These recommendations can be found in a number of new and redesigned communication resources. A one-pager graphically displays the five steps for stewardship of treated seed and outlines why and how seed treatments are used, including what the crop protection and seed industries are doing to ensure safe use. A set of videos explore topics including: improving performance and safety with seed treatments; the five steps for stewardship of treated seed; and, how seed treatments support sustainability.

ASTA is also running a PSA on farm broadcasting networks across the country and pushing out messages on social media. Please help us share the message through your own channels by using the hashtag #Harvest18.

For more information, visit: