Consumer Mega-Trends and Global Trade: Don’t Miss ASTA’s Vegetable & Flower Seed Conference, Feb. 1-4 in Orlando!
- On January 16, 2019

ASTA’s upcoming 58th Vegetable & Flower Seed Conference in Orlando will feature a special General Session highlighting some of the most crucial buzz topics affecting seed businesses. Held on Monday Feb. 4, the session will feature industry analyst and returning speaker Don Goodwin, Golden Sun Marketing, who will reveal his latest data points on consumer mega-trends – illuminating for vegetable and flower seed businesses the steps they can take now to prepare for the future ahead. Bill Lane, Global Government Affairs Director for the Washington International Trade Association, will provide key insights into the current state of global trade and how to navigate within a volatile business environment. Attendees will also receive an introduction to the University of California Berkeley’s “CLEAR” program, which encourages young scientists to develop effective strategies for communicating science to a broad public audience. The session will conclude with business updates from the ASTA Vegetable & Flower Seed Division.
Register today for ASTA’s 58th Vegetable & Flower Seed Conference, the fastest growing ASTA event, gathering over 950 seed industry professionals from over 36 countries for four days of intense business networking and educational opportunities!**Please note: several updates have been made to the conference schedule. Saturday’s Emerging Issues Working Group meeting will now be held from 2 – 5:30 p.m. Changes have also been made to the Trading Room floor plan, which can be found here. Updates are also being made to Sunday’s “Global Perspectives on Indoor Farming and Controlled Environment Agriculture: Producers to End-Users” session as the government shutdown continues. For the latest information, visit the conference webpage.