Jerry Peterson
- On June 29, 2022
At age 15, Jerry Peterson joined the family seed business, working with his father and brothers Roy and
Larry. Over a distinguished 50-year career, Jerry served as President of Peterson Seed Co. in Shakopee, MN,including a 13-year affiliation with Pioneer Hi-Bred International. He was President of the American Seed Trade Association in 1989 and Western Seed Trade Association and was very active in the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association, as well as other international associations. He was admired as an outstanding seedsman and a pure gentleman. He was always at ease with those who stood among his friends and even strangers. He often was the first one to extend a hand of fellowship and make people feel welcome in his presence. In May 1990 Jerry Peterson provided testimony to amend the 1970 Plant Variety Protection Act to preclude further abuse of the “Save Seed Exemption.”