Get to Know your State Representative

  • On July 19, 2018
  • ASTA, Government, Legislators, Legislature, resource, Seed, Seed Industry

With most state legislatures having either ended for 2018 or currently taking summer recess, it’s a great time for you to get to know your local lawmakers. Take advantage of this quiet period until Labor Day to call and visit with your state Representative, Assemblyman, or Senator to introduce yourself, share your concerns and discuss your policy priorities. Contact information for your elected officials is available here. Tell them that you are a constituent, do business in their district and would like to serve as a resource on seed related issues. You can also ask for an appointment to meet with them or invite them to tour your facility.

To assist in conveying the importance of agriculture in a specific district, government census statistics may be found here. This includes useful data on the economic impact of the seed industry.

Take this opportunity to offer yourself as a seed-industry resource when pertinent issues arise in the legislature. ASTA staff is always available to answer follow-up questions or to provide further information as needed. Please share your feedback from your meetings and let us know how we can provide assistance.