Seed Industry to be Impacted by Increased Tariffs on Products from China

  • On May 16, 2019

Effective May 10, tariffs on List 3 products increased from 10% to 25%. Any cargo leaving China after May 10, or which arrives to the U.S. after June 1, will face the 25% duty rate. Note: if cargo departed China before May 10, 12:01 a.m. and enters the United States before June 1, only the 10% tariff applies.

ASTA is preparing to submit an exemption request for all 23 seed-related HTS codes on List 3 as soon as the formal process begins. If an exemption is granted, impacted companies would be eligible for retroactive duty refund. In order to properly prepare the exemption request, ASTA will be requesting information from impacted companies shortly. If your company is impacted and you’d like more information on the exemption process, contact Abigail Struxness.

Earlier this week, the Trump administration proposed a preliminary List 4 on approximately $300 billion goods from China. These goods, including 13 seed products, would face a 25% tariff. However, it appears that most of these seed products are not being imported to the U.S. from China. In fact, some are prohibited from entry. The Administration has opened a comment period before the tariffs go into effect where requests can be made to remove products off the preliminary list until June 17. Please email Abigail Struxness if you are impacted.