USDA’s GRIN-U Offers Learning Materials on Plant Genetic Resources

  • On May 10, 2024

A variety of learning materials on the conservation and use of plant genetic resources are available on USDA’s GRIN-U repository. These include:

  • Videos on specific crops (cowpea, sorghum, tomato, potato, and more);
  • Virtual tour videos of USDA’s National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation and several regional germplasm sites;
  • A widely viewed video on the Three Sisters companion planting system;
  • EBooks on crop wild relatives, climate-ready plant collections, understudied indigenous crops, and cryopreservation of plant tissues;
  • Infographics explaining USDA’s National Plant Germplasm System.

The videos are also available on YouTube.

The GRIN-U team is compiling success stories in an eBook on the use of plant genetic resources for plant breeding or plant genetics research, particularly relating to materials derived from the National Plant Germplasm System collection. If you have a story to tell, please consider filling out and submitting using the submission form.

The materials described here were funded by a grant from the USDA-NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grant Program to Colorado State University, Iowa State University, and USDA-ARS.